Elections and Social Work - Now What?

Posted by Samantha Stephan on Nov 23, 2016 9:00:00 AM

The election is over and there are obviously mixed feelings across the board ranging from excitement about the future, devastation about the loss, to just a general level of uncertainty. We talked recently about how social workers can approach their clients during this uncertain time whether they are republicans, democrats, or undecideds. Staying impartial is critical and using the current situation to their advantage are keys to tackling the challenges we are seeing with helping clients. Social workers are able to dig deeper into underlying concerns, mental state, and the real needs of their clients, but what about social workers themselves?

Not only do we need to understand the effect politics has on the people social workers serve but we need to understand what affect is has on those providing these services. Everyone will handle this transition of power from President Obama to President Elect trump differently but the mission remains the same! There are still children and families in this country that need their help.

No matter what side of the political fence you fall on your clients are counting on you to show up! Unfortunately, you don’t get a day off from all the terrible things happening every day in our country to our most vulnerable population, children. That is a luxury not afforded to this field of work. No matter who the Commander in Chief is we still need you to show up and work towards improving our client’s lives and protecting children. Thanks for showing up when times are tough!

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Insider, Government, Fun Stuff

A Thank You to Social Services

Posted by George Ritacco on Nov 22, 2016 11:10:45 AM

The world of Social Services is populated with “givers”. No sensible person seeks fame or fortune in social work, so every year at this time we give thanks for our colleagues who became social workers because of an inner impulse to help the less fortunate.

This Thanksgiving we would like to recognize, and especially thank, one very special group of these “givers” - the over 62 MILLION VOLUNTEERS who provide indispensable support for both community based and nonprofit social services across the entire country.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Insider, Fun Stuff

A Quick Fix - How to Communicate More Effectively

Posted by Jeff Grover on Nov 14, 2016 12:08:02 PM

There was a blond lady who boarded an airplane and took a seat in first class.  However, she only had a coach class ticket.  The stewardess came to her and informed the blond that she had to move back to coach class.  To this the blond responded “I’m blond, I’m beautiful and I am going to California.”  Taken aback the stewardess got the head steward to talk to the blond woman.  When the steward informed her she had to move the response was the same, “I’m blond, I’m beautiful and I am going to California.”  The steward got the co-pilot who talked to the woman and the same response was given, I’m blond, I’m beautiful and I am going to California.”  Finally they went to get the pilot to talk to the blond. 

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Topics: Fun Stuff

The 4 Stages of a Caseworker...

Posted by George Ritacco on Oct 31, 2016 9:24:20 AM

We think says it all about the first 3 years as a social worker. We have case workers on staff and they agree! Happy Monday! Make it a good week!

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Topics: Fun Stuff

Tomorrow Isn't Promised to Anybody

Posted by Samantha Stephan on Oct 19, 2016 10:00:00 AM

As we wrap up the summer and shift to the cooler days of fall, I find myself taking part of an annual tradition…..the mental summer recap.

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Topics: Insider, Fun Stuff

FAMCare Refer a Friend Program

Posted by George Ritacco on Oct 11, 2016 11:00:03 AM

We Want To Help!

We are launching a new program today - REFER a FRIEND.  It is our mission to help as many social workers as we can!  If you know someone who could benefit from FAMCare - please share what we do and join our Refer a Friend Program.

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Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Insider, Fun Stuff, Nonprofit General

Board Members - How a Small Team Can Make a Huge Impact on the World

Posted by George Ritacco on Oct 10, 2016 2:00:00 PM

Happy Monday - have another video to share with you from our friends at "Movie Mondays" / 501 Videos.  This one is titled, "How a Small Team Can Make a Huge Impact on the World".

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Topics: Fun Stuff, Nonprofit General

It's more than banana pudding...

Posted by April Freund on Oct 7, 2016 2:37:00 PM

My sweet Mom, who is now 93, has always been a great example of true motherhood.  Although she was not able to biologically have children she adopted me and my sister when we were very little.  She’s the only Mom I’ve ever known and being part of the foster/adoptive world through our software business means a lot to me.  

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Topics: Fun Stuff

Are Your Board Members Enthusiastic About Coming to Meetings?

Posted by George Ritacco on Oct 3, 2016 11:00:00 AM

Are your board members enthusiastic to come to board meetings?

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Topics: Insider, Fun Stuff

Considering the Alternative May Lead to a Better Plan

Posted by Jeff Grover on Sep 27, 2016 10:00:00 AM

A DEA agent comes to the door of an old Texas rancher and demands to search the grounds under suspicion that the rancher was growing illegal drugs.  The rancher said “That’s fine sir, you can go anywhere you want, just don’t go in that field over there.”  To which the DEA agent pulled out his badge and said “do you see this badge?  This badge is backed by the full permission of the United States Government.  It says that I can go where I want, when I want and do whatever I want because I am a duly appointed deputy of this government.”  “Alright sir” the rancher replied and went about his chores.  A while later a scream was heard from the field that the rancher had told the agent to stay out of and there was the agent tearing across the field with the rancher’s prized bull in hot pursuit.  To this the rancher jumped on the fence and hollered out “show him your badge!  Show him your badge!”

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Topics: Implementation Plans, Fun Stuff

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