The Complexities of the Juvenile Justice System and Case Management

Posted by GVT Admin on Feb 9, 2023 10:45:00 AM

Complexities of the Juvenile Justice System and Case Management On any given day, an estimated 60,000 youths under the age of 18 are incarcerated in an American jail. Given that children under the age of 18 account for approximately 22 percent of the US population, this figure is a concerning reflection of the state of the American juvenile justice system.
However, believe it or not. Today's situation is vastly improved over yesterdays. Thanks in part to social service organizations that have long advocated for institutional training of youth rather than confinement to reduce juvenile crime rates.

Here are some of the complexities of the country's juvenile justice system, as well as how it has evolved over time, as well as some areas where non-profit intervention is still needed.

Access to Data, A Constant Challenge 

Due to social care organizations' limited access to contemporary technologies, such as human service software, it may be difficult to find up-to-date information about juvenile detention. As a result, caseworkers continue to struggle to access and report adequate and reliable data. For advocates to support and advance education, reform, and accountability, they need reliable data. While frequently facing the most challenging challenges, nonprofit organizations have made progress.

More Advocacy, Better Accountability

For decades, there have been numerous horror stories and scandals surrounding the juvenile justice system. Despite challenges and thanks to non-profit advocacy, accountability has improved, and far fewer institutional crimes against juveniles in jail are reported today.

Reforms and Education, The Way Forward

Since the mid-1990s, reforms and educational plans for juveniles have been in the works. This has helped to reduce crime rates as well as the number of juvenile incarcerations. Human services agencies believe that with proper reforms, the juvenile justice system in the United States can eventually improve.

Continuing Progress

Case managers in the juvenile justice system require assistance, and we can all help by learning about the issues and advocating for ongoing changes. While we do not have enough space in this blog to showcase all of the challenges and progress, please enjoy some of the recommended blogs below.

Recommended Readings: 

Juvenile Justice Reform 

Starting Over 

Five Ways to Improve Your Juvenile Justice Services 

Juvenile Justice...Case Closed 

Topics: Juvenile Justice

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