Let's Play Social Media Jeopardy!

Posted by George Ritacco on Aug 19, 2014 9:58:00 AM


Our topic today is... SOCIAL MEDIA.

Let’s find out how much you know about using social media in your agency. The answers are listed in the left column. The questions are the random list in the right column. How many can you match correctly?

Answer Column       Question Column
 Twitter       Where can my client find up-to-date information about my agency?
 Facebook       On what social media space can your client show you a solo picture of his parents?
 Foursquare       Where can your client find out more information about your professional standing?
 Instagram       What form of social media uses the # symbol?
 YouTube       Where could you best post driving directions to your next client meeting?
 Linkedin       What social media space could identify your client's favorite restaurant?
 Pinterest       Where could you find your client's work history?
 Google +       Where could you show your client how to fill out a form?

How many questions could you match to the answer in the left column? Are you the Ken Jennings (the guy who holds the record for the longest winning streak on Jeopardy) of social services, or don’t you have a clue?

Most caseworkers fall right about in the middle. They seem to intuit that social media could work for them in certain circumstances, but they’re not entirely sure how. Welcome to the brave new world of mobile technology.

This is where most of your clients live. This is where they communicate with one another (and perhaps with you in the future). This is where they get information about the world around them. This is where they entertain and educate themselves. This is where you’ll find them when you are looking for them. This is also where you could let them find you.

A social media communication strategy is only one part of a larger communication effort and should be integrated into your overall communication planning, activities, and data collection. People access information in different ways, at different times, and for different reasons.

Defining your audience needs using market research, metrics, and other data will be important to determining the channels you want to use. Each channel is different and has differing engagement, content, and community norms. Understanding the way people naturally use or participate in social media channels is also very helpful in determining your strategy.

By becoming the Ken Jennings of social media you can go where your clients go. Isn’t that the point?

Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools

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