Four Components to Successful Human & Social Services Case Management

Posted by George Ritacco on Sep 13, 2013 12:28:00 PM

No matter the venue, there is definitely a demand for quality tools to streamline workflow, increase productivity, reduce wasted time and allow for adaptability in design – and without costing an arm and a leg! There are many ways for a software suite to accomplish these needs for nearly every niche in the workplace. Often overlooked are non-profits or human service agencies. However, their needs can be met and their workflow can be managed without undue stress and high costs.

Streamline workflow

Human service agencies have many deadlines to meet in order to best serve their clients. Being that these agencies serve the under-served or the "vulnerable" by definition, the result of failure to meet a deadline can cause great turmoil in the life of a family – particularly one in crisis. In order to help caseworkers to not miss a deadline, it is important to have the ability to easily program notifications of upcoming deadlines and to make the process as seamless as possible.  How effective can you really be if all of these critical elements and deadlines are tied solely to your Outlook email account or appointment book?

Increase productivity

When looking for a software solution for a non-profit or human service agency, it is important to look for one that can help case workers manage their case load. Having'secure' access to files while away from the office has become a growing need. In the field of human services, crisis rarely follows a strict nine to five schedule, and with many new developments in technology, the ability is available to allow access to files from most tablet computers, laptops and even mobile phones.

Reduce wasted time

There is nothing that will suck the life out of someone as having to complete the same task repeatedly. I often find it ironic how much emphasis goes into protecting files, information and data - and yet NO EMPHASIS goes into protecting most people's TIME... the only element that you can never replenish, never retrieve and never get back... once it's lost.  With a good software suite, your time can be protected.  On a simple level - initial information is entered into the computer once and carried over into future notes. Rather than have to re-do paperwork, the files are kept together and widely accessible.  This allows for case workers to waste less time and affords them the opportunity to spend more one-to-one time with the clients.


When looking for the best computer software option for human services management, many times it is hard to imagine that managers could find a product that will accomplish all of the above goals and be affordable, too.  Most of the time, the hope for a product that can be tweaked to fit your agency’s needs seems to be too much to ask for. Depending on the product, this may be easier accomplished than not. After all, your assets are your staff and your measure of success is your clientele – working in human services is working with the most precious commodity on Earth.

None of this can be taken lightly.  FAMCare helps agencies improve their effectiveness while managing their time and controlling their budget.

Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools

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