I guess it’s not surprising that, now and then, we should talk about technology and its contribution to the nonprofit universe. After all, Global Vision Technologies has been an integral part of the digital transformation of the case management function, and when this item recently caught our eye we wanted to dig a little more deeply into the impact recent improvements in technology had on the finance function.
George Ritacco
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The Web
The modern era of nonprofit marketing began more than 25 years ago when nonprofits realized that without a website they were virtually out of business. Everyone went out immediately and launched a website.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, Nonprofit General
Attention Social Workers - We are Proud to Serve You
I don’t know why we don’t say it more often, but the entire team here at Global Vision Technologies is proud to be of service to the social work profession. Social workers are the unsung and under-rewarded heroes of our democratic society. In a culture where individuals are taught to strive to “get-ahead” of one another, social workers police the boundaries of our responsibility to one another. They toil in obscurity supporting the vulnerable without the acclimation afforded the average policemen or firemen. Perhaps only schoolteachers get less respect or monetary reward, yet both are the noblest of the noble selfless professions.
Topics: Social Services Industry News
The OJJDP-sponsored National Criminal Justice Training Center will hold Child Abduction Response Team Training: January 9–12, 2018 in Niceville, FL.
Topics: Child Welfare
We very rarely talk about nonprofits across the country who focus on animal welfare. Noticing this oversite, this blog could not let 2017 slip by without taking a look at the ongoing dedication and renewed focus that has been displayed by animal welfare nonprofits throughout the year.
Topics: Nonprofit General
The 3 Most Important Features for Your Next Case Management System
Looking for the right case management software can be a challenge for anyone in the nonprofit sector. After all, there are so many choices and few that actually address the needs of a human services agency at a price that is affordable. When looking, it is tempting to simply look at the price tag first and then see what the software can accomplish. "What can I get for the money...?" while an important question is probably not the most important... at least when starting off.
Topics: FAMCare, How Clients Use FAMCare, Secure Case Management, case management workflow, case management software
“I was brought up in a household where Christmas meant fun, laughter, presents and lots of food. Christmas was my favorite time of the year,” a social worker, who prefers to remain anonymous, began her Christmas story. “I guess that’s why, when I began my career in social work, it startled me to realize that for most of the children in my care Christmas was a very difficult time.”
Topics: Foster Care, Homeless & Food Pantry
Since the 1870s, social service agencies have been working diligently to find housing for the homeless, yet on a single night in January 2015, 564,708 people were considered homeless in America.
Topics: Homeless & Food Pantry, FAMCare
A recent cry of surprise has gone up from pundits over the recent election of so many women as mayors of our cities. In a recent NPQ article, Cyndi Suarez reported the following election results: