Posted by George Ritacco on Jun 11, 2014 3:00:00 PM


Don't Leave Your People Behind

Every nonprofit agency in the country, large or small, is already implementing, or is about to implement, the installation of a new software system. The development of modern Human Services Software is dragging even the most reluctant agencies into a new age of efficiency.

THE PROBLEM - Notwithstanding the new software's potential for boosting productivity and efficiency, it is often the system's end users who determine its success or failure. Decisions are made to purchase new software without input from the people who will use it. This can start the implementation process off on the wrong foot and make users defensive and resistant. Because they are abandoning what they know and jumping head-first into a new world, they react with feelings of discomfort, fear of change, and a perceived loss of control. Without malice, therefore, they often work against the success of a new software system rather than for it.

THE SOLUTION - Understanding the human element in the implementation of a new software system is essential to a successful transition from a legacy system to a new solution. Here are a few tips for supporting the all-important end-user during implementation.

  1. Involve end-users early in the process.
  2. Solicit their input.
  3. Eliminate fear of change by:

    1. Including end-users in the planning.
    2. Defining clear goals for implementation.
    3. Establishing a reasonable timetable.
    4. Offering thorough training.
    5. Preparing them for expected set-backs.
    6. Defining incentives for using the new system.
    7. Delivering information in small bits and focused tasks.
    8. Ensuring careful migration of data from the old system to the new.
    9. Offering ongoing education like webinars.
    10. Establishing a complete and separate new-hire training system.

By carefully selecting a company that can act as a technology partner rather than a software vendor, you can offer your case workers long term support options, a support desk, ongoing education, new feature training sessions, online product documentation, and distinct new-hire training.

Global Vision Technologies designed FAMCARE Rapid Case Management as an integrated system for the case worker who will use the product every day. ONGOING SUPPORT FOR END-USERS IS YOUR KEY TO SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION

Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak

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