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Topics: Social Services Industry News, education
Changing Times... Jewish Federations of North America
The Jewish Federations of North America brings together a network of 148 local federations which collectively raise and allocate more than $3 billion annually for social welfare, social services, and educational needs. The JFNA has spent three decades in an effort to create an ongoing mechanism that would productively connect local federations to a group of national Jewish organizations. Its mission was “to bring together seven national Jewish agencies and the Jewish federation network into a common space, promoting deeper relationships and creating synergy among them.”
The Family First Act has become law! This is a very big deal for our caseworker colleagues who work in teen pregnancy and parenting. It represents the biggest change to the structure of federal child welfare finance since the establishment of the Title IV-E entitlement in 1980.
Topics: Child Welfare
Do you ask your donors discovery questions?
I’m certain you do. But, you may not be asking them in the most effective way. Rachel Muir has some great tips and examples on how to ask donors questions.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas
This week's Movie Monday's fundraising tip is in from the folks at Movie Mondays.
Would you like to raise more money with your newsletters, website, annual report, direct mail, and your other donor communications?
Topics: Fundraising Ideas
Nonprofit's Role
There are 640,000 students currently registered in the Los Angeles Unified School District and 480,000 (75%) of them are Latinos. The LA. School Report reminds us that this past March 1st was the 50th anniversary of the big “blowout” when “thousands of young Latinos marched out of their East Los Angeles classrooms…for their right to be educated.”Topics: Social Services Industry News, Nonprofit General, education
As Health Care Becomes More Complex
Health care delivery models increasingly rely on social workers and social worker case managers because of their specialization in identifying and meeting the needs of patients, post-discharge. Social workers are also healers...
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, case management software
The US Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) defines domestic violence as a "pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner". The definition adds that domestic violence "can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender" and can take many forms.
Topics: Social Services Industry News
Can You Predict Your Fundraising Campaign Will Succeed or Fail?
This weeks Moview Monday's Fundraising video is in. In this video, you’ll learn one of the “Rules” that will be an indicator of your campaign’s success or failure.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas
In this week's Movie Monday's episode, Maree Bullock shares a couple of insightful stories. These stories highlight why you should treat your board members like major donors.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas