A social worker from Kentucky who corresponds with this blog on a regular basis recently shared her unique journey with us. She started her career as a case worker in the Veterans Administration helping vets find housing and manage addictive behaviors. After only a year on the job, she felt the need to continue her education and got her degree in psychotherapy while working full time at the VA. She began to specialize in cases of PTSD and eventually was introduced to a unique therapy known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.
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Revolutionizing Senior Long-Term Care Services with Innovative Software Solutions
The world of healthcare is evolving, and one area that's seeing remarkable advancements is senior long-term care services. Thanks to innovative software solutions and modern technology, the senior care landscape is experiencing a transformation that promises better care, increased efficiency, and improved communication. This article explores the ways in which case management software are transforming senior long-term care services.
In an era defined by technological advancements, senior care is no exception to the rule. The incorporation of cutting-edge software solutions into the fabric of long-term care is paving the way for a brighter, more efficient, and compassionate future. We will delve into the multiple facets of this digital revolution.
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care
Choosing the Right Path: Social Worker or Case Manager
In the social service area, they often find themselves dealing with people who are in need of support and guidance during life's most challenging times. There are two professional roles that often come to the forefront: social workers and case managers. These dedicated individuals play pivotal roles in assisting people facing various life challenges. However, understanding the differences between a social worker vs. case manager can be crucial when insuring proper support.
This is a continuation of "Case Management vs. Social Work: Unpacking the Differences." This time we'll explore the distinctions between social workers and case managers, and the roles they play in servicing their clients' unique needs during life's most difficult times.
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Social workers, especially those specializing in counseling and psychotherapy often lean toward a career in private practice.
“I absolutely love being in private practice, everything about it,” says Barbara Groves, LCSW, who has a private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia. “The flexibility, for example, to write off copays for motivated single working moms and students from low-income homes. The variety of patients in racial, socioeconomic, and spiritual orientation, as well as gender and political affiliation is so rewarding to me. I feel that I make a difference every day in helping patients become more self-aware and to become enlightened stewards of their lives.” (The Challenges of Private Practice by Sue Coyle, MSW, Social Work Today, Vol. 23 No. 3 P. 10)
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10 Effective Strategies for Implementing a Game-Changing Case Management Model
The implementation of an effective case management model can be a game-changer. It can streamline your processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately lead to better outcomes for your clients. But where do you start? How can you make sure your case management model truly transforms the way you work?
In this blog, we'll explore ten effective strategies to help you implement a game-changing case management model. Whether you're a social service agency, a juvenile justice organization, a senior care provider, or any organization dealing with cases, these strategies can be tailored to your specific needs.
Topics: case management workflow
Case Management in Social Work: Building Bridges to Change
Case management plays a pivotal role in social work in bringing about transformative change in the lives of clients and entire communities. It's more than just a job; it's a calling. Case managers serve as the bridge connecting individuals and families with the resources and support, they need to overcome challenges and build a brighter future.
In this blog, we will delve deep into the world of case management in social work, exploring what it is and what case managers do. We will also see how they use software in case management to streamline their work.
Topics: case management workflow
On the Monday morning of Thanksgiving week this correspondent paid a visit to the parking lot of St. Mary’s food bank in Phoenix, Arizona. St. Mary's had reported that food banks across the nation were overrun this year by the unfortunate who lack the funds to join in the celebration feast shared by millions of American families. We wanted to gage this year’s turnout and gain some insight into which demographics were moved to reach out of their need and desperately try to assemble a festive meal for their family.
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Empowering Lives: The Impact of Social Work Case Management
Empowering Lives: The Impact of Social Work Case Mangement
The field of social work case management brings hope to individuals and communities. The commitment to empower and helping them navigate life's most intricate hurdles is key in this profession. Today, we will explore the significant impact of social work case management and how it serves as a powerful catalyst for positive change.
Choosing Case Management Software for Your Juvenile Justice Agency
In the dynamic landscape of juvenile justice, the importance of choosing the right case management software cannot be overstated. However, selecting the ideal case management software for a juvenile justice organization requires a keen understanding of the specific needs, amongst other things. Let's delve into the key aspects to consider when weighing your options for case management software.
Topics: Juvenile Justice
- Veteran's Day is not Memorial Day. They are often confused.
- Memorial Day was established in 1868 to honor all those who gave their lives defending our country in military service.
- Veteran's Day was established as Armistice Day in 1911 by President Woodrow Wilson to commemorate the cessation of hostilities and the allied victory ending World War One.
- In 1954, President Eisenhower asked Congress to change the name to Veteran's Day to honor all veterans, living and dead, who served our country in the military.
- Today there are 18,592,457 veterans living in America who all need some assistance coping with the injuries they suffered, both physical and psychic, while serving in the military.
- The front line of defense for these veterans are the social workers at the VA and many community not-for-profit veteran's service agencies.
- The VA is the largest employer of social workers in the nation, totaling more than 18,000 strong.
Topics: Veterans Issues