3 Questions to Ask When Assessing A Nonprofit Software Solution

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 3, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Untitled design-Feb-25-2022-05-54-42-22-PMNonprofits in the twenty-first century must embrace innovative technological solutions. In fact, many nonprofits that fail to adapt to the changing technology landscape fail completely in the long run. Even before the pandemic, one of the reasons many nonprofits had to close their doors was a failure to embrace technology.

So, in order to maximize your nonprofit's existing resources, you must invest in the right technological solutions. You can ensure that your nonprofit meets all of its short- and long-term objectives by using the right software solutions.

However, investing in the wrong software can be detrimental to the organization, so ask these simple questions when selecting nonprofit software.

Can the software be configured and customized to meet the specific needs of your nonprofit?

There is a lot of social services software on the market, so making a decision can be difficult. However, you can sift through the options by first looking for ones that are specifically designed for nonprofits.

Software solutions designed specifically for human services organizations have unique capabilities that help nonprofits streamline their work and caseloads. Furthermore, you should look for software that can be tailored to your organization's specific needs. Non-customizable software can quickly become a burden for the nonprofit.

Is the Software HIPAA-Compliant?

Nonprofits frequently deal with highly sensitive information about other organizations and individuals. Needless to say, this information must not be jeopardized in any way. Check to see if the software you're considering is fully compliant with HIPAA standards. Keep in mind that a data breach could result in significant fines and penalties for your organization.

Does the Software Company Offer Training and Support?

Another critical consideration is whether the company whose software you've chosen provides any kind of training or support during the transition period. Long-term success depends on proper software implementation.

No matter how tech-savvy your employees are, it will take them some time to adjust to a new system, and they will require assistance in the early days to work their way around technical glitches.

This is why it's critical to select nonprofit software that's backed by a company that provides excellent customer support and services.

We know that finding a secure and reliable social services software can be a challenge.  Global Vision Technologies, the developer of FAMCare has been helping agencies with their nonprofit software needs for over 20 years.  Please click  Featured Tools for free special reports and guides such as: Electronic Case Management or  4 Essential Questions to determine if your ready for software.  

Check out what others are reading on the FAMCare Blog: 

Technology...The Heart of The Matter  

Technology Disrupting The Status Quo

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Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit software solutions, social services software

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